Big And Tiny Screens

The Buck Naps Here
2 min readMar 27, 2022

On an average weekday evening
in the average persons home
they are sitting before brightened screens
together or alone.

And the average folks are watching
what they think is normalcy
while they pilfer dirty laundry
and fictitious tragedies.

In the flicker of the lighting
they absorb more than they know
see, there’s darkness in the livingrooms
where televisions glow.

By the time the dinner bell has rung
the families diverge
to their place of passive thinking
as the ratings start to surge.

Some are watching news that tells them
how to think, and feel about
all the angry people burning towns,
“We’re victims!” they all shout.

Some are watching comic programs
who will dictate while you grin
all that will be now acceptable
and the culture’s view of sin.

Others watch the cute romances
that objectify connection
with a close-up of the action
focused on each predilection.

Oh, and others love the slashing,
and blood spatter every scene
but fear not you worried mothers
this won’t change your engrossed teen.

Then, the action, oh, the action!
Wherein everyone is steel
but the bad guys out to get us,
who are freed in sad for-real.

So we swim in glowing pixels
of the crazy Never Was
and we bind ourselves to fiction,
every character and cause.

On your tiny screen before you,
live your life as fleshless ghosts,
where your value is your image,
and your thoughts a preformed post.


And this is so important,
as it has been done before,
Live beyond that entertainment,
wherein your character means more.

